Whether you're a novice or an avid golfer, cleaning your golf shoes needs to be done regularly if you want to be able to use the pair for more than one season. Here's how to clean your golf shoes and help them remain comfortable and flexible for a full 18 holes.

Get rid of sand and dirt that you picked up from the golf course by cleaning the shoes with a stiff brush. If necessary, unscrew the spikes to remove trapped dirt. Also check for missing or worn down spikes that need to be replaced.

To get rid of grass stains, dampen a white cloth with a solution of warm soapy water and rub the stains away. Try not to get your golf shoes too wet, as a hefty dose of moisture can ruin them, whether they're made of leather or a synthetic material. (If your shoes do become soaked, place crumpled newspaper inside of them until the water is soaked up.) With another clean damp cloth, wipe off the soap and towel or air-dry the shoes. Don't try to speed up the drying process with a blow dryer or by placing them near a heater — that's a sure way to damage them.

Lastly, vanish scuff-marks with a leather shoe polish that matches the color of the shoes. Once the polish is thoroughly dried, waterproof the shoes with a protector like Liquid Aquaseal Waterproofing & Conditioner for Leather.

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