Caving is uniquely tough on your boots. Unlike in normal hiking where 99% of the time it’s the rubber sole making contact with the dirt and rocks, when you’re caving it’s rare that you’re actually standing up and walking. Crawling, dragging, sliding and squeezing through rocks, dust, and mud is far more the norm. As a result, every other surface of your boots gets more wear and tear.
This is why I choose to take care of them with Aquaseal. I do most of my caving in Wyoming and New Mexico. Not only does Aquaseal keep my feet dry in the mud and water. It keeps the leather from growing brittle and cracking in the dry dust and air. Aquaseal allows me to wear the same pair of boots down every dark hole and new passage with confidence.
Levi - Colorado
We are a fifty year old family owned business, and we have been selling AQUASEAL products since we first discovered them at a trade show a couple of decades ago. We have tried and carried virtually every boot and leather protectant, over the years, and AQUASEAL always comes out on top. Our customers love it and keep coming back for it. It’s easy to use, light on the boot, and completely scent-free.
There’s nothing fancy about AQUASEAL, except that it really works!!
Aaron - Hattiesburg, MS
I have been selling AQUASEAL products for well over a decade in my store, and must say it is my "go to” product for all the leather footwear we sell in our shoe department. With over 20,000 pairs of shoes on hand, we must be able to direct the customer to a product that will not void warranties or jeopardize the function of the footwear from such things as breathing , thus clogging the leather pores. It is a must for longevity of the leather, from work boots to some of the finest dress shoe leathers. Conditions and waterproofs all in one!
E.J. Metayer - Bradford, VT Farm-Way Inc
I have been a bootmaker for 52 years. With every pair of boots I ship out, I include a sample jar of AQUASEAL so my customers can waterproof and condition their boots with your superior product. Many of my clients keep their boots for 12 to 15 years, and the majority of them say AQUASEAL keeps the dirt out of the inside of the boots so they will last longer. I’m happy to recommend AQUASEAL to anyone who wants to keep their boots in good shape, keeping the leather supple and soft. Dirt and grit cut the threads that hold the boot together, but with AQUASEAL, dirt, snow and water won’t stick to the boots. Everything slides off like Teflon.
Leonard - Otis Orchards, WA Bootmaker No Name Boot Company
I’ve used AQUASEAL for 25-30 years and have found it to be the best waterproofer and conditioner there is. Even if I store a pair for a long time, they don’t crack if I’ve conditioned them first with AQUASEAL. I recently gave a couple of pairs of my older boots, 30 years or more, to my grand-nephews, with a jar of your paste, and they’re working well for them.
Patrick - Lolo, MT Birds, Bees and Novelties
This is to let you know how much I have enjoyed working with you for I think about the last twenty years. I can't remember exactly when I started representing Aquaseal but I think it must have been 1994 or 1995. It is always a pleasure to represent a product that you believe in and know that is a good value for your dealers. Over the years I had opportunities to represent other leather care products including the products offered by [company brand name] and I never could with good conscience try to sell what I thought was an inferior product to my dealers. You are all good people and I certainly appreciated the honesty and integrity of everyone on the team. In all those years I can't think of one time I had a complaint that Aquaseal products didn't meet or exceed the promises it made in the point of purchase advertising and brochures. Gary Crain Boot Mfg. Representative
I have been a professional boot representative for 47 years. I represent the finest footwear available. I don't make a living selling AQUASEAL, but I do want my customers to have the right products to care for their feet and boots. AQUASEAL is definitely the best waterproofing and conditioning product available, so it's the only such accessory I represent. It's a great company, and I love working with the staff, as well.
Don Maul Boot Mfg. Representative
My wife and I have been hikers and backpackers even before we bought our business in 1983. I have used many products to seal our leather boots over those years. Some didn’t work at all, wet feet, and some were difficult to apply and soften the leather. We have used and sold AQUASEAL since 1990. In that time our feet have always remained dry and the leather has held up to rugged use on rock and scree. We believe in leather boots and the simplicity of the use of cow hide. I’ve never seen a cow die from a rain storm.
In November 1995 we were on Larkey Pass in the Manasulu Region of Nepal. We encountered a heavy snow storm with wet snow that comes from temperatures around 34 degrees. We went through a treacherous two day trek through snow as deep as 4 feet, where you could ring the water from your gloves. All during this time our feet remained dry without gaiters.
After two days we found out that the freak storm had killed 63 people with many other people losing feet to frostbite. It helped to convince us even more of your product’s superior sealing and conditioning properties. We continue to look forward to selling and using AQUASEAL.
Dave and Phebe - Estes Park, CO The Warming House d.b.a. Hiking Hut
AQUASEAL is the only leather-care product I carry in my shoe repair store, because of my personal experience with it over the years. I have a nineteen year old pair of boots that is still in excellent shape because of my using only AQUASEAL to condition and waterproof them. In all that time they have never cracked, and my feet have always been able to breathe. On another pair of boot I tried a competitor, and for several weeks in that pair, my feet were hot. I recommend AQUASEAL for the comfort and care they provide both the foot and the boot.
Andy - Yakima, WA Broken Heel Ranch
Ever since I discovered the company that made AQUASEAL For Leather, I’ve been giving out a sample to nearly every customer who buys a pair of boots from me. It is simply the best product out there for all kinds of leather goods. We also repair boots here, and I get too many that have become ‘dust magnets” from other products that build up on the leather instead of penetrating it.
Once my customers use the sample I give them, they come back to buy some more. That’s good for them and their boots. And it keeps my customers coming back, because they know they can trust me to give them only the best.
John - Bedford , IN Crane’s Leather & Shoe Co.